Berlin is the city i will never forget even though it has been long since i visited. Besides the lovely places i blog about it earlier (here), Berlin has much much more to offer.
One of the must go place is the parliament house of Germany, the Bundestag.
anyway, forget about the pain, trust me, it is definitely worth the effort to visit Bundestag!
when u are in Berlin, if u have never been to the Reichstag dome, u can never consider urself to have visited Berlin. Reichstag dome is the the iconic glass dome located on top of the parliament house. Look at how amazing the Reichstag dome is.
Up here at the dome, u can view 360 degrees of Berlin city! see the top of Potsdamer Platz. and some of the views of Berlin city, notice the Brandenburger gate?
Inside, you will be amazed by the structure itself. How mankind can actually built this thing, without any columns at the center to support the dome. (the umbrella handle kind of thing is not holding the floor above). so u wonder, how the dome stands up itself? this is when engineers should feel proud of themselves!
see, when u reach the top of Reichstag dome, nothing is supporting the floor), just the fairy's aperture on top of my head!!
more views of the Reichstag dome.
Opens daily from 0800 - 2400 (last admission is 2200)
for more details, refer to this address:
what a nice place.. and i wish i can be there too.. :-p
no doubt a nice place to be!
and dont forget the German beer too! ^^
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