Monday, August 4, 2008

Look at my messy Table!!

some time ago when i blogged about my new seat in the office.

look at this mess!!

it is not like i don't want to keep my place tidy... but u should have seen worse... (at least it is colourful!!)

A typical engineer's table (see the bottle? supplements to keep the person who is sick to work harder!! so that he/she doesn't collapse)

but one thing for sure, i keep a lot of toys at my place. making it a "fun" dangerous place to be.

i am just having my Monday Blues today!


catcha said...

Hey Engineering Mathematics (book)! brought back memories...

I love that kangaroo... reminds you of Aussieland yeah...

kupo said...

i only missed uni for the flexibility of being able to skip lectures during rainy n cloudy days! ^^

take care mate!!