Recently I sensed that some people are stalking on me. I am quite sick and tired of answering everyone’s question down to the core. If you are showing your concern to me, I think it is a bit over the border.
These people are just way too much. They like to self assume that some incident happened to u and imagine the picture of what happened to you first. Then they will ask u about it, base on their own assumption (whether it is correct or wrong). And then they will expect u to correct them if they are wrong and explain/tell them the whole story.
I only realized it recently, I was acting so dumb/stupid nice and tell u what happened to me every time. But somehow I just feel creepy! That is so creepy!!!
I’m not trying to exaggerate the scenario. Similar incidents occurred all the time. Look at what happened to me recently:
(someone saw me crippling along the aisle, after lunch)
Someone: (self assumed) hey I thought u were wearing flats this morning, HOW come u can still sprain ur leg with flats?
(Yea you are so observant to see me wearing flats this morning)
Me: Actually I sprained my ankle during the weekends.
Someone: Hah, HOW u injured yourself one?
(Hey I already said that it was an accident made by myself)
Me: err…. Too much high heels, twisted my leg.
Someone: WHERE u injured your leg?
(Do I need to tell u where I went during the weekends?)
Me: staircase lar.
Someone: WHERE?
(Do I need to inform you which staircase and how I fell off from the staircase?)
Me: …
Someone: (self assumed again) I thought u went shopping during the weekends, HOW did u injured yourself?
(ok how u know I went shopping during the weekends and what the hell?)
Me: …
Ok, this is way too much. You are not my mom / dad nor even my boyfriend. Do I need to describe to u in detail and tell you where I went, what I do, or whom I went out with during the weekends?
Do I have to specifically inform u which staircase I fell off, or which high heels I was wearing during the accident? If I were to tell u about it, what are u going to do with it?
Demolish the staircase? Burn my high heels?
FYI, I bought the high heels at NOSE during sales. It is worth RM24.95 after the price slash. And it looks exactly like this:

The Killer
If u see me wearing it next time, maybe u would like to burn it or take it away from me so that I wont injured myself again.
When I told my mom that I twisted my leg, all she does is pass me the Zam Bak cream:

The Savior
and it works perfectly fine too!! And my mom told me to apply on it to heal. This is the correct way of showing your concern, if your aim is to concern me but not stalking me.
We are not doing C.S.I here and I am not a crime. I need not to explain to u everything!
If you are not trying to show ur concern but just to keh poh chi / 八卦 / busy body, then just buzz off and leave me alone! Just because you don’t have a life doesn’t mean that I have to keep u entertained, ALL THE TIME! Get a Life man!